How to Adapt Your Marketing Message to Social Media

marketing message messaging Jan 11, 2022

 Marketing on social media takes a bit of creativity. You have to adapt your marketing message to the platform and audience in order to reach your target market with your offering. The only way to get it right is through a bit of trial and error, but here are some guidelines to get you on the right track: 


Choose the Right Platforms for Your Audience

The first step is to choose the right social media platforms to use. The best way to do this is to find out where your target audience hangs out and use the same platforms they use. 

Each social media platform is different, so it’s important to understand the characteristics of each:

  • Facebook. Facebook is the largest social media site. It’s a place where people interact with friends over common interests. 
  • Twitter. Twitter is used for quick news and updates. People here are looking for the latest information on topics they care about.
  • Instagram. On Instagram, users share photos, images, and other visual content. 
  • YouTube. YouTube videos can be great for product demos, interviews, instructional videos, behind-the-scenes looks at your company or industry, and vlogs. 
  • LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a professional networking site which is especially good for B2B brands. 


Don’t Try to Shout Over the Crowd

When you get on any social media site, it’s overwhelming how much content is being posted and shared at any given time. It seems daunting if you haven’t used social media for marketing before. But remember that you don’t have to outshout anyone. The goal isn’t to be the biggest voice on the site but to find your people and connect with them so you can put your offer in front of them.


A Plan for Your Marketing Message

Create a goal for your marketing message on social media and make it specific. What do you want to achieve, and at what time? Set a goal that includes numbers; for example, 50 new email subscribers per month through Facebook content. Create a plan for monitoring and reporting to determine whether you reach your goal or not. This will help you make improvements and refine your marketing message over time. 


Study the Competition

A good place to start is to analyze the competition. For each social media platform, follow companies that offer something similar to yours or overlap with your audience. See what they’re doing and see how much people are engaging with their content. You’re not stealing ideas but simply watching them to learn from their efforts about what works and what doesn’t. You can also get ideas on how to set your social media marketing message apart from others. Try doing something they’re not.


Social Media Marketing Basics

Your marketing message is unique to you and how you use social media to convey it is as well. However, there are some general guidelines to using social media that you should follow:

  • Be social. Your presence should be friendly and chatty. Don’t be afraid to engage with others, as that’s what drives social media interaction.
  • Stay positive. Don’t post anything negative or anything that could be taken as negative. 
  • Be interesting. You’re trying to engage your followers, so think of things that interest them to post and talk about.
  • Listen well. Focus on listening to your customers. Social media is a dialogue, and you’ll learn a great deal about what’s working and what’s not working with your marketing message by seeing how people interact with it.
  • Don’t promote. Instead of promoting, focus on helping people solve their problems. This will lead them to take an interest in you and learn more about the products you offer. 


Crafting Your Marketing Message

Is your marketing message ready for social media? The first step is to craft the right message that communicates the unique benefits of your offer to your target audience. 


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