Why You Should Use Quizzes to Spice Up Your Marketing

marketing messaging quizzes Oct 31, 2022

Quizzes offer a great type of content that you can use to engage members of your target market, capture leads, build relationships, and lead your audience to buy from you. This is a relatively new content type enabled by the internet and social media, and if you’re not using them now, you’re missing out.


Quizzes are Engaging 

The main reason marketers use quizzes is that they’re highly engaging. Too often, a person hits your site, reads what’s there, and then leaves without taking any action. If there’s a quiz to take, they’ll interact with the site, and this will lead them to continue interacting with it. A quiz can help a great deal as a lead magnet or give the user something to do on your e-commerce site’s welcome page. Quizzes lead to higher conversion rates. 


Quizzes Get Shared

If someone takes a fun and entertaining quiz on social media, they’re likely to share it with others. This is one of the most shareable types of content available to you. When people share your quizzes, this gives them more reach and gets you more exposure. You can add a call-to-action at the end, leading people to your website or sales page. 


Learn About Your Market

The purpose of a quiz is to engage and entertain your visitors or followers, but you can also use it to gather information about your target market. For example, marketers often use personality quizzes to find out about their buyers:

“What Kind of Chef Are You?”

“What City Should You Live In?”

“What Furry Woodland Animal Are You?”

This format asks users about their tastes, habits, and preferences. These questions yield useful marketing data. Another type of quiz helps the user solve a problem related to your product or service by asking questions about what they need and how they buy.


Quizzes Can Help with Branding

Your quiz also tells the user about you and your business. Through it, you can tell people about your industry, your company, your employees, or the vision that drives your organisation. You can add brand design elements to your quiz. 


Quizzes Are Easy to Produce and Publish

For you, one of the biggest benefits of quizzes is that they’re easy to create and publish. You can use a platform or software program. Once you get into the routine of creating them, it’s as easy as plugging in your ideas, and you have a great piece of content. It’s much less work than writing a blog post or article. 

Quizzes are fun and addictive, but they’re also a great way for you to achieve your business goals. Use them to engage your audience, generate leads, and learn more about your target market. They’re easy to get started with, so try creating a few and monitor your results.


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