Write Your Marketing Message with Your Strategy in Mind

marketing message messaging Dec 28, 2021

 Your marketing message explains to your target audience the unique value your product or service offers. Before you can explain this, however, you need a solid business strategy first. With this in place, it’s much easier to drill down and clarify the message you need to get across to your market.  


Identify Your Ideal Customer

The process of creating a business strategy starts with identifying your target market. Who is the person who can best use what you have to offer? Start by creating a detailed customer profile that identifies the one person who would benefit the most from your product or service. This is your ideal customer, the person you’re focused on attracting with your marketing message. 

For example, you offer coaching services for small businesses just getting started with digital marketing. You would create a customer profile of a small business owner, identifying their demographics such as age and location, along with their core values, attitudes, buying behaviour, and pain points. 

You can’t create an effective strategy and marketing message custom-tailored to your audience without first knowing exactly who this audience is.


Position Yourself in the Market

There’s stiff competition in the market for any type of product or service. You need to explain to customers not only what you can do for them but what sets you apart from others in the market who offer something similar. This is called positioning – it defines your position in the market. 

You can clarify this by studying the competition. Find out which companies are offering similar products to yours and figure out what makes yours unique. If you don’t feel it’s unique, think of some ways to make it so.

In digital marketing, you offer useful content to people who are looking for solutions to their problems. To do this well, you need to position yourself as an expert. Choose some specific areas of your niche where you have particular experience or expertise. 


Clarify the Benefits

Marketing isn’t just about your product and its great features. This form of communication is about the customer and how your product helps them with the issues they’re facing in their businesses or lives. For this reason, your strategy needs to clarify the benefits and value you offer.

The benefits of a product are the concrete ways it improves the lives of those who use it. The product helps them finish work faster, gives them more free time, saves them money, or removes something they fear or dislike. Each feature you offer should be connected to a benefit. Your marketing message will then paint a picture of what the user’s life will be like once they’re using the product. What benefits do you offer? 


Put It All Together

One size doesn’t fit all. Your marketing message will differ slightly depending on which communication channel you’re using to reach your audience. You’ll speak to them in a different way on social media than you would on your company website or email newsletter. 

Plan out all the ways you’ll reach your customers and figure out how your marketing message will need to be altered for each. Think in terms of the customer’s expectations at each point of contact. For example, on social media, they’re just discovering your business or starting to interact with your content. Your email subscribers may be already primed to buy and consider the product more closely. How do you speak to them in each situation? 

Above all, your marketing message must align with your overall marketing strategy. Start by looking at your product, your audience, and your competition, and you can begin to figure out exactly how it meets your customers’ needs. 


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